

Every Tenant is entitled to safe and healthy housing under Colorado's warranty of habitability.  A landlord is prohibited by law from retaliating against a Tenant in any manner for reporting unsafe conditions in the Premises, requesting repairs, or seeking to enjoy the Tenant's rights to safe and healthy housing.

Address for Written Notice of Uninhabitable Condition:

Tenant shall mail or personally deliver written notice of an uninhabitable condition to the following address:  Trifecta Property Management, 2000 S. College Ave, Ste 305A, Fort Collins, Colorado 80525, or to the following email address:  info@trifectamgt.com.

El inquilino deberá enviar por correo o entregar personalmente un aviso por escrito de una condición inhabitable a la siguiente dirección Trifecta Property Management, 2000 S. College Ave, Ste 305A, Fort Collins, Colorado 80525, o dirección de correo electrónico: info@trifectamgt.com.

Rental Application

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